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The Palace is the best! If you want to talk to great people and look at beautiful photos in the rooms or listen to music, then you must join us.
I must warn you that some time problems will happen. Sometime people will fight or be rude or be drunk and some people do not respect others, but that is why there are WIZs at the palace. Their job is to make the palace enjoyable for all. If you have any problem with some one, please tell them. They will help you.
The Palace is most times very fun and you can meet people from all over the world and if you speak a language besides English, you will find French, Russian, Dutch, German, Italien, Portugese and Spanish palaces also.
When you enter the palace, you wear a picture called an AVATAR. There are so many thousands of these, you will find many to collect! You can also make own avatars if you have paintshop pro or photoshop. If you do not have, go to my links page and download Paintshop Pro. The demo is free.
We often joke to new people on palace that if they join, their life is ruined. We say this because palace is so fun you spend much time talking to everyone and also there are soooo many palaces you will spend much time looking at them. Please enjoy it as we do and welcome!

The History or Story Behind My Site
I decided to make this site because we have so many new people who come to FLIRT PALACE and need help to get the Palace. So i have tried to put everything they will need in one site. I hope this will work for them. And I hope I have made it easy for them to use.
I also make this site because I love the Palace and I want others to love it also. I came to the palace when I was 19 years of age. My english was terrible and because I would go to teen palace, others would laugh at me. I felt very bad and I think I would never come back until I meet my friend Natashinka, who is my great friend from Russia. She also was student of English and she invite all the girls from out side USA to join her club to make others feel welcome. Thanks to her and my many friends, I learn to love the palace even more.
This site is for all the people who want to join us or just want to talk of the Palace chat.
Soon I will add page that will have what YOU think of the Palace. What you like and what you do not like. Also it shall have your opinion on how to make better palace for us all.

The Different Kinds of Palaces.
Most of the palaces are arrange by type. There are ADULT palaces, TEEN palaces, ADULT ONLY palaces and CHILDREN and FAMILY palaces. There are INTERNATIONAL palaces and some are for certain kind of lifestyle. There are also PROP palaces where you may get AVATARS to wear, but all palaces have prop rooms. THE PALACE DIRECTORY have the listing of all the palaces and you may find this on MY LINKS page.
A word about LIFESTYLE palaces please. If you find these strange or odd, please do not visit there to bother them. We are all different and that is what make the world an interesting place. Please respect them.

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